he Jurassic Park movie franchise has warned us four times now about the dangers of reintroducing dinosaurs into our world. Yet no one could deny how amazing it would be to see dinosaurs walking among us. I’m sure we would all have the same jaw-dropping, turn-your-friend’s-head response that Allen Grant had in the original movie. Then again, we’d probably end up running away and yelling like Ian Malcolm, “Faster! Must go faster!”

Google has followed the gigantic footsteps of John Hammond, but in a way that won’t result in people getting stuck in dinosaurs’ teeth. Instead of roaming our real world, Google has figured out a way for dinosaurs to roam in augmented reality. Now, you can see a Tyrannosaurus Rex in your driveway or a brachiosaurus towering over trees in your backyard. 

Last year, Google introduced a [nofollow]menagerie of augmented reality animals. The list of over 30 life-sized animals includes everything from alligators to wolfs (not quite A-Z, but still an impressive list). Google continuously adds animals to the list but changed direction with their latest release. Now, ten prehistoric creatures are part of the Google animal world.

The Jurassic World Meets Augmented Reality Google 3 Dinsaurs
Image: Google 3D AR

Google users can now see the following dinosaurs in real space:

  • Tyrannosaurus Rex
  • Velociraptor
  • Triceratops
  • Spinosaurus
  • Stegosaurus
  • Brachiosaurus
  • Ankylosaurus
  • Dilophosaurus
  • Pteranodon
  • Parasaurolophus

Most of these dinosaurs wouldn’t fit into your living room. So, to compensate, Google made it to where the AR animals will scale automatically to your environment. For the full effect, users should go outdoors. Outside, you can have a full appreciation for the colossal size of these extinct creatures, not to mention their claws and teeth. Though, a tiny triceratops roaming down a grocery aisle would be entertaining, too. 

Google 3D AR dinosaurs are not compatible with every device. Apple users need at least iOS 11 to enjoy the dino experience. Android users need an [nofollow]ARCore-supported device that is Android 7.0 or higher. Your device must also be AR-enabled, but most smartphones these days are by default. 

Image: Google 3D Augmented Reality

Google uses an app-less Web AR technology. Web AR removes the need to download an app to enjoy the experience. To view the dinosaurs, all you have to do is simply Google the name of the dinosaur you want to see in your space. For example, if you google ‘Pteranodon,’ a small box will appear under the Wikipedia description that says, “See a Pteranodon in your space.” By clicking ‘View in 3D’ and then ‘View in your space,’ the Pteranodon will appear on your screen. Using your device’s camera, you can watch the Pteranodon move in your space. 

Another popular feature is a recording option. Jurassic Park fans are already recreating their favorite scenes from the movies. Thankfully, goats in these videos get to keep munching on grass without getting munched on by a T-rex. It’s probably only a matter of time before a full-length parody goes viral. 

Jul 2, 2020
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