ut-of-home (OOH) advertising is a significant player in the media mix, with a 23% increase in revenues year-on-year in Q1. It has proven to be highly effective, delivering a 24% increase in advertiser acquisition, profit, and market share. But imagine amplifying this impact even further.
But imagine being able to make it work even harder?
Not just in terms of stand out, whether it be some 3D anamorphic content, or a wall mural, but a bridge into the digital space to reach consumers where their eyeballs constantly return... Yes, I'm talking about the smartphone.
Through a QR code, which now everybody is familiar with using, you can be transported into a digital space where every single activation is measured on a live dashboard. Cumulatively collecting every session’s data, with even the ability to play them back! Was the experience shared on social media, did they go to the clients required CTA action, how long did they dwell, and did they submit data? Yep, it's all there in Metalitix which can help you track R.O.I.
Of course you need a value exchange to give a reason for the CTA. This could be an AR extension of the creative concept, where a 3D representation of the product comes to life. Notably, 79% of consumers, according to Snapchat's latest research, prefer to interact with a product in AR before purchasing. Alternatively, digital coupons offering discounts or free samples in exchange for data can drive engagement. These experiences can also be shoppable, integrating directly with e-commerce to boost sales.

Take for example, our recent work for Arla, Cravendale Milk in partnership with Zeal Creative. This campaign featured a hero OOH site and social activation, inviting users to scan a QR code, point their phone to the sky, and watch as a glass of milk descended from the heavens and filling up (Tastes Like Heaven on Day 7).

We've also found that utilising custom map functionality to direct consumers to the nearest store via Google Maps can often be very effective, and drive that immediate action. Other CTA's can include things like order online, or request more information, a call back can all work very well.
Looking ahead, we can enhance these experiences with AI. Imagine placing an interactive character or avatar into the user's environment, providing product information or engaging in a two-way conversation. Aircards excels in merging real and digital worlds to deliver immersive experiences with higher engagement, dwell time, and conversion rates.
And to really take your out of home into the home, we can create versions for social and digital channels to exponentially increase your coverage and frequency and use your always on channels. Using small format OOH where QR codes are often in better locations than roadside to scan, makes scaleable activation through a single content solution. Whether it is classic paper sites or DOOH we can make it work.
We are platform and media agnostic, so get in touch now to make your OOH work harder and drive ITH (In-the-Home)!
We also specialize in anamorphic OOH, wall mural AR, and gamified 3D worlds, all integrated for maximum value and creative consistency.