In a groundbreaking move, the historical Georgia farmstead that once belonged to renowned 20th-century southern Gothic author Flannery O’Connor is teaming up with tech innovator ARtGlass to introduce captivating augmented reality (AR) walking tours for visitors. This National Historic Landmark, now owned by Georgia College & State University (GCSU), served as the creative haven where O’Connor crafted much of her literary legacy.
New footage from an immersive experience from Disneyland Paris recently emerged, showcasing their innovative use of Web-based AR/VR technologies to engage their audience.
Described as ‘the analytics platform purpose-built for the Metaverse’, Metalitix™ is a suite of data collection and visualization tools for XR and 3D experiences, packaged up into one of the most advanced Spatial Analytics tools ever built.
Niantic announces their Lightship Maps for Web integration with 8th Wall. The new service from Niantic integrated into the 8th Wall platform allows developers to easily add customizable maps to their projects.
The Cannes Lions festival has been championing creative excellence since 1954, with a goal of providing a global destination and a definitive benchmark for creativity that drives progress. The 2022 five-day International Festival of Creativity took place June 20-24 and was the largest gathering in the creative marketing community.