In a groundbreaking collaboration, Upland, the metaverse platform known for its blockchain-based virtual property trading game, has joined forces with AI startup Kaedim, resulting in a remarkable 70% increase in 3D asset production speeds. This collaboration marks a significant evolution for Upland, originally conceived as a virtual property trading game that has expanded into a diverse ecosystem catering to entrepreneurs, content creators, and gamers alike.
SpaceCatch is making waves in the gaming world with its innovative approach to Augmented Reality (AR) gaming. Despite being officially announced only a few months ago, SpaceCatch has already garnered an impressive following of over 100,000 enthusiasts eager to explore its unique gaming universe.
The Cannes Lions festival has been championing creative excellence since 1954, with a goal of providing a global destination and a definitive benchmark for creativity that drives progress. The 2022 five-day International Festival of Creativity took place June 20-24 and was the largest gathering in the creative marketing community.
Aircards creates the NICEverse, a highly innovative WebXR gaming platform for NICE, a leading global software company. Created as an employee engagement platform, the NICEverse enabled NICE employees to login securely and compete in a variety of Web-based Mixed Reality mini-game experiences, competing to win an amazing family trip to Disneyland.