tsy announces the launch of their their new Augmented Reality powered mobile app, which allows customers to view over five million Art and Collectible products.

Chief Product Officer, Kruti Patel Goyal described this new product release in a [nofollow]recent Etsy blog, ushering in a new immersive way to shop Etsy products. Etsy's goal for the AR-focused app is to provide a more convenient way of buying art and collectibles.

Sometimes you don’t even know what you’re looking for, and the number of styles and options can be daunting. Then, once you’ve found the print for you, difficulty visualizing it in your space can make it hard to commit. Will it fit that open corner of your gallery wall? Will the colors jibe with your aesthetic?

With over five million items in the Art and Collectibles category on Etsy, giving customers the ability to visualise the size and style of the available products in their own home is a great way to increase product purchasing. This is great news for both Etsy, as well as the individual sellers that use Etsy as a platform to sell their work.

How does it work?

Using the Etsy iOS app, customers select their favorite products from a huge range of paintings, photography and prints. Once selected, customers can tap the Augmented Reality button on the product page to activate their device camera. After scanning their surrounds the AR feature springs to life, allowing them to tap-to-place the product within their own home.

The AR-driven app is reminiscent of the IKEA app which allows customers to place furniture in their own home. Delivering these types of useful, immersive experiences for customers is a growing trend and the proof will be in the pudding - will it increase sales through a increased level of product understanding and engagement? Time will tell for Etsy.

Currently the app is a beta feature and only available for iOS and iPadOS app users, with Android roll out coming soon.

Jun 17, 2020
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