upplier of smart glasses and AR technology devices, Vuzix Corp. have announced a new partnership with the Netherlands National Police Unit, who will actively use the Vuzix Blade Smart Glasses to investigate the use of AR in its police force. The pilot program will be undertaken alongside a laboratory test with the universities of Leiden and Twente and the country’s police academy.
The AR smart glasses are being used by both on-foot and mounted police officers to provide them with hands free, heads up information for unfamiliar areas as well as additional information notification of crimes, suspect pursuit and troublesome locations.
Using AR will act as a window which overlays the officers vision and provide them with vital information which interacts with real objects as if it is reality. For example, virtual objects can attach to surfaces, providing additional information such as information appearing on otherwise blank walls, or names appearing above faces.
For officers, this could enable safer working and allow dispatchers to send officers any extra information which may be important, without cluttering radio communications, which would appear in officers’ vision in a number of different situations.

Vuzix, President and Chief Executive Officer, Paul Travers stated:
“The overall design and the see-through waveguide optics of the Vuzix Blade are proving to be essential must-have features for deployments into police and security operations,”
The AR Vuzix Blade Smart Glasses are lightweight and unobtrusive, they operate with full color, use Wi-Fi and work well in any conditions. They are also more discreet than some other AR glasses on the market and look like regular glasses rather than smart glasses.
Travers continued:
“We’re pleased with the positive officer feedback received thus far in this study and look forward to seeing a full proof of concept successfully completed by this police force,”
AR is becoming yet another tool in the communication kit for anyone working in the field. In fact, it is yet another step in the direction of a very science fiction reality envisioned in the books and movies.